So yesterday I was in São Paulo. I have to say that I wasn't really satisfied by this city...many poor people begging, streets full of 'shady sellers' (I am not sure how is the real word, sorry), and all of city smelling really bad. On the other hand, there is
uncountable many markets selling food and breathtaking can't even imagine how good the fruit is !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I would be able to spend there whole week just eating ...or maybe more... #gorda (you can translate this later, but it perfectly describes my life style here 😃😃)
(Sometimes I had no idea what I was eating, but how cares when it is good....😂😃❤️🇧🇷)
And then when you think that there is nothing what could be better, they give you the best coffee in the most adorable cup you have ever seen 😍😍☕️ (and yes, I am starting to be a bit addicted on coffee...but you know, it's COFFEE ❤️❤️😂😂)
For today I have to say good bye, but I will add other photos from our trip to São Paulo soon!! ❤️❤️🇧🇷
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