And I am not saying that this was the best thing, but just imagine how happy I was to hear English songs after one month just listening to Portuguese ones. 😂
I think that the best way how to describe this will be just to start from the morning. So I woke up at 9:30 (don't worry, it was Sunday, and as you might already know at the weekdays I must wake up at 6:15 😪😪😪😪😪). For breakfast I had pizza-pastel (the best thing this was just a joke...everything here is the best...omg I am going to be soooo fat 😃😃)
Then we went to a friends' house and from there directly to São Paulo (3 hours in a car, again 😅)
It was something about 2 pm when we get there ...we went to get some food and then to the festival.
It's name is Holi One, basically concert and The color run without running.
As you can see everybody is wearing white to "catch" as much color as possible 😂😂😂☝🏻️☝🏻☝🏻
We stayed there for more than 5 hours and then again food 😃 now just imagine 4 people with color all over their clothes, faces and hairs coming to McDonald's...this was the moment when I realized that we are the wierd ones !! 😃
Hope you liked this one as I did, next time I am going to introduce you other inbounds from my club!!
Bye ❤️❤️❤️
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