My first host family wrote me some me time ago (18.6.2015) and they keep texting me like every day. They are so enthusiastic about the exchange. Truly said, it is amazing for me, how can anyone be so passionate...They are all like "waiting for you, my new daughter". It feels for me really good, because they are doing everything for me to feel well about the exchange! 😊
Oh, I almost forgot, my host father is a lawyer and mother is bussineswoman. I will have two siblings, one brother, 21, and a sister, 16 (she is going to spend her year in CZ, so I will meet her in Brazil
just for a month). They are all living/ I will live in a smaller city (60.000 people) 200km away from São Paulo (11 mil. people, btw SP is the biggest city of the Southern Hemishere).
My leaving is coming really quickly...19.7. ...which is like 13 days or something 😱😱
So this is my first host-family 😊😊☝🏻️
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