pondělí 22. června 2015

My host family 😊

I can't believe it's happening!

My first host family wrote me some me time ago (18.6.2015) and they keep texting me like every day. They are so enthusiastic about the exchange. Truly said, it is amazing for me, how can anyone be so passionate...They are all like "waiting for you, my new daughter". It feels for me really good, because they are doing everything for me to feel well about the exchange! 😊
Oh, I almost forgot, my host father is a lawyer and mother is bussineswoman. I will have two siblings, one brother, 21, and a sister, 16 (she is going to spend her year in CZ, so I will meet her in Brazil
just for a month). They are all living/ I will live in a smaller city (60.000 people) 200km away from São Paulo (11 mil. people, btw SP is the biggest city of the Southern Hemishere).
My leaving is coming really quickly...19.7. ...which is like 13 days or something 😱😱 
So this is my first host-family 😊😊☝🏻️

úterý 9. června 2015

First of all...😊

Hello, my name is Anna and I want to tell you my story.

Many years ago my mother was joking about sending me abroad when I reach 18 years. She used to say that going abroad in a young age it the most useful thing anyone can do..
And now I am here, 15 years old and preparin' for my "year in Brazil" 🇧🇷

Firstly, I hadn't known about this program until August 2014. Then everything happened really quickly: One day my mom came home and said something about her colleague's daughter who wants to go with Rotary to the USA this year. I was like "hmm, cool, sounds good, but why are you sayin' that to me?" And then she started to talk about some lunch she have had with people from Rotary and then it unexpectedly escalated to my first interview. I was soooo scared!!! I entered a heavy door to an usal office within 4 people sitting around a table. I did my presentation, they asked me a few questions and then they said that I must write a 3-page letter about myself. Like seriously what the **** should I write about such uninteresting and boring person as I am???!! But I managed to write three pages about that "nothing" and I think it wasn't as bad as I thought it will be at first. 😃
In the next four months we had two "orientation meetings" where Rotarians told us millions of important things. So I am still scared that I will forget something!!! 😰